
Showing posts from September, 2011

Yellow Fever Vaccinaton In Countries Like Zambia and South Africa

The South African Department of Health has issued a statement that all returning travelers from South Africa to Zambia and travelers from Zambia to South Africa will now require proof of yellow fever vaccination. All in-transit passengers between the two destinations, irrespective of the time period in transit, will also require proof of yellow fever vaccination. Over the last several months there has been a lot of back and forth regarding this new policy. Often times the translation of the new policy has confused travelers like you. So what is the new policy stating? In addition, also as of October 1, 2011 travelers coming from Zambia into South Africa will need a Yellow Fever certificate (World Health Organization card) to enter the country. So in other words, South Africa’s Department of Health will need to see visual proof you are vaccinated for yellow fever (unless you’re in possession of a valid waiver certificate). All travelers coming from a yellow fever risk count...

Liposuction : Parts Of The Body That Can Be Worked On

If you do decide to have liposuction, there are quite a few areas of your body where you could choose to have it done. One area where many people have liposuction is their thighs. This includes both saddlebags and inner thighs; areas where excess fat often gets stored. A lot of people also choose their hips and their ‘love handles’ as areas to have liposuction, because weight commonly gathers in these areas. Exercise and diet aren’t always effective at shifting the fat and so if these ‘normal’ solutions haven’t worked for you, you could consider liposuction as an alternative option.  The abdomen is another place you might have liposuction, such as if you have been unable to shift excess fat on your stomach in another are supposed to have a layer of fat on your body and so some will remain following surgery, but your liposuction surgeon will sit down with you to work out how much to remove and where. If you have excess fat on your ...

Racial Disparities in Joint Replacement Care

Total joint arthroplasty is widely performed in patients of all races with severe osteoarthritis to relieve pain and improve joint function and mobility. Although several studies have suggested that racial minority patients are less likely to undergo joint replacement surgery little is known about the quality of arthroplasty care that African Americans receive as compared to Caucasians.  Using data from the Medicare Provider Analysis and Review (MedPAR) files between 2002 and 2005, which contain information regarding hospitalization for Medicare beneficiaries, Cai and colleagues profiled US hospitals' quality of care. Quality was based on the rate of complications including sepsis, hemorrhage, pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis and severe wound infection, as well as the number of deaths, experienced in the 90 days after total   joint replacement surgery   To test for a racial difference in access to high-, intermediate- and low-quality hospitals, the autho...

Racial Disparities in Joint Replacement Care

Total joint arthroplasty is widely performed in patients of all races with severe osteoarthritis to relieve pain and improve joint function and mobility. Although several studies have suggested that racial minority patients are less likely to undergo joint replacement surgery little is known about the quality of arthroplasty care that African Americans receive as compared to Caucasians.  Using data from the Medicare Provider Analysis and Review (MedPAR) files between 2002 and 2005, which contain information regarding hospitalization for Medicare beneficiaries, Cai and colleagues profiled US hospitals' quality of care. Quality was based on the rate of complications including sepsis, hemorrhage, pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis and severe wound infection, as well as the number of deaths, experienced in the 90 days after total   joint replacement surgery   To test for a racial difference in access to high-, intermediate- and low-quality hospitals, the autho...

Things To Be Known During Hip Replacement

Hip replacement is major surgery and, for the first few days, you will want to take it easy. However, it is important that you start some activities immediately to offset the effects of the anesthetic, help the healing, and keep blood clots from forming in your leg veins. Your doctor and physical and occupational therapists can give you specific instructions on wound care, pain control, diet, and exercise. They should also indicate how much weight you can put on your affected leg. Pain management is important in your early recovery. Although pain after surgery is quite variable and not entirely predictable, it does need to be controlled with medication. Initially, you may get pain medication through an IV (intravenous) tube that you can control to get the amount of medication you need. It is easier to prevent pain than to control it and you do not have to worry about becoming addicted to the medication; after a day or two, injections or pills will replace the IV tube. Besides the...

Things To Be Known During Hip Replacement

Hip replacement is major surgery and, for the first few days, you will want to take it easy. However, it is important that you start some activities immediately to offset the effects of the anesthetic, help the healing, and keep blood clots from forming in your leg veins. Your doctor and physical and occupational therapists can give you specific instructions on wound care, pain control, diet, and exercise. They should also indicate how much weight you can put on your affected leg. Pain management is important in your early recovery. Although pain after surgery is quite variable and not entirely predictable, it does need to be controlled with medication. Initially, you may get pain medication through an IV (intravenous) tube that you can control to get the amount of medication you need. It is easier to prevent pain than to control it and you do not have to worry about becoming addicted to the medication; after a day or two, injections or pills will replace the IV tube. Besides the...

First Aid Training - Health And Safety

Health and safety training is an important component of childcare. By enforcing proper and proactive first aid training, childcare programs can help ensure that children remain safe and healthy while in their care  It is recommended that this training include resuscitation skills such as management of blocked airways and rescue breathing but not necessarily Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). The need for cardiac resuscitation is rare in childcare settings, occurring only when children have specific problems such as cardiac arrhythmia or drowning. First-aid training for childcare providers should include guidance on treating abrasions and lacerations, burns, puncture wounds from splinters, and eye injuries. Childcare providers also should be prepared to treat the following injuries and health care needs: Bleeding, including nosebleeds Poisoning Convulsions or non convulsive seizures Sprains or fractures Head injuries Dental and mouth injuries Heat or cold-re...

Joint Replacement Program Gives Good Care, Better Outcomes

Joint pain, primarily from arthritis, affects thousands of adults across the country. According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 454,652 total knee replacements were performed in 2004, and in the same year, add to that number 232,857 total hip replacements, 41,934 total shoulder replacements, and 12,055 other joint replacements. Started in 2005, the Total Joint Replacement Program is an all-inclusive program for patients having total hip, total knee, or total shoulder replacement. Once a patient enters the program, he or she receives step-by-step guidance throughout the procedure—from preadmission, to the admission office and stay, and after outpatient discharge and therapy. The program is offered at Johnson City Medical Center, Indian Path Medical Center in Kingsport, and Johnston Memorial Hospital in Abingdon, Virginia. The only qualification for the entering is a need for total joint replacement. There is no charge for participating. Patients learn about...

Joint Replacement Program Gives Good Care, Better Outcomes

Joint pain, primarily from arthritis, affects thousands of adults across the country. According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 454,652 total knee replacements were performed in 2004, and in the same year, add to that number 232,857 total hip replacements, 41,934 total shoulder replacements, and 12,055 other joint replacements. Started in 2005, the Total Joint Replacement Program is an all-inclusive program for patients having total hip, total knee, or total shoulder replacement. Once a patient enters the program, he or she receives step-by-step guidance throughout the procedure—from preadmission, to the admission office and stay, and after outpatient discharge and therapy. The program is offered at Johnson City Medical Center, Indian Path Medical Center in Kingsport, and Johnston Memorial Hospital in Abingdon, Virginia. The only qualification for the entering is a need for total joint replacement. There is no charge for participating. Patients learn about...

Things To Know About Total Joint Replacement Surgery

Some may need total joint replacement surgery because of conditions that affect them like injuries that involve our joints or rheumatoid or osteoarthritis. While these have been challenging operations to recover from in the past, advances in technology and techniques have reduced recovery time dramatically. What makes the joints work smoothly is the cartilage where the bones come together at a joint, no matter if it is the hip, knee, elbow, ankle or the shoulder.  But movement can become rather painful when the cartilage is severely worn or damaged. When the joint is worn enough to cause bone on bone rubbing, even minor daily activities like walking, traversing stairs and even bending over becomes painful and difficult. As it becomes worse, it can become totally debilitating. Replacing the damaged cartilage with plastic or metal joints and relieving as much pain as possible is the ultimate goal by surgery becoming an option. By replacing the cartilage, complete joint moveme...